Dry hamburgers, meatballs, and really anything that uses ground meat can be enhanced by the use of a Panade. Whether you decide to bake, grill, or braise your meat you run the risk of drying out your meat and losing flavor the longer you cook it. One simple way to keep things juicy and flavorful is to add a Panade.

What the heck is that?

A Panade is a combination of a starch and liquid added to the mix that coats the proteins and prevents the loss of moisture during the cooking process.

What do I need?

That’s the great part you probably have something in your kitchen already to make this work! I have used White Bread, Hot Dog Rolls, Wheat Bread, whatever I have convenient at the time. The liquid I generally use broth, even though I mention milk below (that’s the traditional way) Bro. Ben is allergic to Milk so I try to keep it out of things where I can.

How do I make it?

Simply add bread and a liquid together to make a paste. Various sources say to cut 1 cup of bread into 1/2 inch cubes and add 1 cup of milk. I personally use Beef Broth if I’m cooking with ground beef just to enhance the flavor so the choice is yours. It works with water as well, but how boring would that be?

  • Place bread in a medium bowl and cover with liquid
  • Allow bread to soak for 10 minutes, until most of the liquid has absorbed and the bread has become mushy.
  • Pour off excess liquid and mash the bread mixture with a fork making sure you leave no dry spots. This is going to look like a chunky glue.
  • Mix this into your recipe and prepare as usual.

How much will I need?

  • For Meatballs and Meatloaf: Add 1/2 cup panade to 1 pound ground meat, 1 large egg and seasoning. Mix until combined and cook according to the recipe.
  • For Burgers: Add 1/4 cup panade to 1 pound ground meat and seasoning. Mix until combined and cook according to the recipe.

Enjoy the juiciest burgers no matter how well you like them cooked.